Woman In the Pulpit eBook Popular In Canada

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I am delighted to learn that Woman In The Pulpit is popular among Canadian readers. Women in ministry, church groups, and book clubs are discovering Woman In The Pulpit. It is heartwarming to learn that women beyond the borders of the United States can identify with Grace Alexander and her painful experiences as she seeks acceptance through her work in ministry.

Fresh out of seminary, Grace returns to her hometown anxious to try out the new forms of ministry she has learned. But welcome arms are not out to greet her. She navigates the terrain, steps in potholes, hits curves, and battles diabolical forces.

Thomas Haliburton, leader of the Ministerial Alliance, is not ready for the new pastor in town. He vows to do everything in his power to thwart Grace’s efforts.

Enter Clyde Williams, who is engaged to Haliburton’s daughter. Clyde doesn’t believe women should be ministers, and certainly not pastors, until he meets Grace.

A major scandal involving Grace threatens to tear apart the town. Now Clyde has to decide whose side he is on.

Woman In The Pulpit is truly global. Readers in Canada are saying great things about the book. I hope you’ll check it out and share it with your friends.

Woman In The Pulpit

_A gripping drama!_